Rationale and Aim for the Kin Hong Seafood Festival - SEPTEMBER 2017
The 2nd Kin Hong Seafood Festival will be held in September, 2017 in Hong Kong. Kin Hong means healthy in Chinese, and symbolizes the need for having healthy seafood, from a healthy process of fishing or cultivation. The Festival is organised by Ocean Recovery Alliance, a Hong Kong non-profit organization, with participation from restaurants, retailers, catering companies and others who are serving internationally recognized certified seafood. The event is funded via the ADM Capital Foundation, which supports programs that help support the improvement of the ocean environment and communities that survive from the resources that the ocean provides. For the Kin Hong Seafood Festival, participating organisations are also allowed to use the MSC and ASC Ecolabels at their premises to raise awareness with their customers if they are serving this type of certified seafood, or they can also qualify if they serve seafood that is on the WWF "Ocean Friendly Menu" list.
The 2017 Kin Hong Seafood Festival already has over 100 restaurants and F&B organizations which will be in Hong Kong’s key dining locations to gain maximum exposure, and we are pleased to announce some from the U.S., Macau and China. The restaurants commit to provide at least one certified sustainable seafood dish on their menus for the duration of the month. Guidance and connections to sustainable seafood suppliers is provided as part of the program as well.

For more information, contact us at:
sustainable@oceanrecov.org, Tel: +852 2803-0018

健康海鮮節 — 二零一七年九月一至三十日
我們亦誠意邀請大家參與九月二十一日晚上在蘭桂芳Metta舉辦的「真 ∙ 可持續海鮮的背後」研討會。來自世界各地的專家將會帶領大家從廚師、海鮮供應商及食客三方面探索可持續海鮮在現行飲食業界常規下的挑戰和機遇;以及探討可持續海鮮於海洋生態保育工作處於起步階段的亞洲巿場的現況和展望。作為「健康海鮮節」的一部份,將會在九月十九或二十日設晚宴,詳情待定。
[1] 參加機構須簽署由MSC 及ASC 制訂的許可同意書。