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Grate Art - Tsui Ping River (English).png

Grate Art - Tsui Ping River (English)

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About Grate Art

Grate Art is the local art installation project by Ocean Recovery Alliance (ORA), in an effort to help the community play its part in protecting the world’s ocean. ‘Grate Art,’ is a unique type of street art and is created from ceramic plaques designed by artists, and cemented to the streets near the storm drains to remind people not to litter, as it can impact our waterways and ocean.  ORA launched their first Grate Art project in Southern District in 2016, where students and other volunteers were invited in Southern District to participate in the ceramic plaques installation.


Grate Art Installation

Grate Art @ Tsui Ping River

This year, Drainage Services Department and ORA will co-organize Grate Art@Tsui Ping River under the Revitalization of Tsui Ping River Project. In this project, we will invite both local artists and students to design a new set of ceramic plaques to promote the message of river protection and make an art installation in the Tsui Ping River Community.

Ceramic Plaque Design Competition

In this competition, students are invited to design ceramic plaques for Grate Art@Tsui Ping River. We are looking for student artwork designs to become Grate Art plaques which will be installed on the streets near the storm drains, to remind people not to litter in our waterways in Kwun Tong and protect Tsui Ping River. 


We would like to invite students to participate in ceramic plaques design competition as part of our “Revitalization of Tsui Ping River” project. 


6 students’ excellent artwork would be selected for making the real ceramic plaques for installation on the streets in Kwun Tong District. Other merit designs would form an online electronic mosaic of images for public’s enjoyment. Each person can submit up to three pieces of artwork.  

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Please click here for the GrateArt@Tsui Ping River Drawing Template, draw your artwork in the template and submit your artwork in using the "Submit Your Artwork" button below (.jpeg recommended).


Click here for more information on the Revitalization of the Tsui Ping River


Ceramics Plaque Design Competition "Terms & Conditions"


1. Organizers: Drainage Services Department (DSD) and Ocean Recovery Alliance (ORA)


2. Purpose


- To encourage the local community engagement in the Revitalization of Tsui Ping River. 

- To raise awareness and prevention of water pollution by giving a colourful and artistic reminder along the streets 

- To build a sense of belonging in the Tsui Ping River Community 


3. Targets


Full-time students from schools in Kwun Tong area with 2 categories:


- Age group from 7-11 

- Age group from 12 or above


 4. Schedule


- Deadline for submissions 25th March, 2022 (12:00noon) (Late submissions will not be accepted) 

- Entry Assessment: Late March 2022 

- Result Announcement: Late April, 2022 

- Installation of the plaque on streets: Date to be announced later 


 5. Themes of Artwork:


The theme of artworks shall be related to Tsui Ping River or river protection such as:


- No pollution/littering to waterways and river 

- Don’t dump in the drains running to Tsui Ping River and the sea 

- Protect river ecology


 6. Format of Entries


- There is no limitation for presentation of the design concept. 

- In order to encourage creativity and innovation, the design of plaque can be presented as but not limited to human character, animal, robot, super hero, character whom can communicate with people and humanized object. 

- Hand drawing format must be drawn on our enrollment form. 

- Digital submissions must be in jpg or pdf format. Resolution should be at least 300dpi while the file size should not be less than 1M and not be larger than 5M. Using Clipart is not allowed.

 - A summary of the design can be in Chinese or English (within 100 words).


 7. Application and Entry Submission:


- Digital application: Online submission link: 

- Physical application: Please click here for the Grate Art@Tsui Ping River competition enrollment form Please submit to the Site Office of Revitalization of Tsui Ping River (Address: CRE’s Site Office, No. 6, Wai Lok Street, Kwun Tong) 

- 3 winners from each category: Each winner will receive a digital certificate and winners' designs will be selected for production of ceramic plaque for installation on streets in Kwun Tong District near Tsui Ping River. Other merit designs will form an online electronic mosaic of images for public's enjoyment.


 8. Judging Criteria


(1) Expression of Theme: Plaque design for Tsui Ping River 50% 

(2) Creativity: Innovative Ideas 30% 

(3) Overall Composition: Design and Techniques 20% 


 9. Results


- The results of the competition will be announced on the Revitalization of Tsui Ping River's project website and Ocean Recovery Alliance's website in late April, 2022. Winners will be notified individually.


 10. Copyright


- Participants are required to comply with the relevant copyright laws. If the participants infringe the copyright or other related crimes, including but not limited to the submission, reprinting, copying and counterfeiting of the competition, their qualifications will be cancelled. Participants should be responsible for their own legal responsibility, and any legal disputes are irrelevant to the organizer. 

- The organizer may copy, use, modify, display, publish and distribute the submitted entries, or distribute them for any media, for publicity or education, without any remuneration or other notice. 

- The organizer has the intellectual property rights of the submitted entries, which can be put into production and distributed, displayed or published in any venue as (but not limited to) the promotion of the DSD activities. 

- After submitting the application, the participants will agree to all the terms and conditions on behalf of the participants, and will not remove any loss of the organizer from any of the principals who have filed their work for the legal liability and agree to the compensation. 

- Other than the right the Participants to be identified as the author of the Artwork, the Participants will agree to waive all other moral rights of the Artwork, including derogatory treatment of the Artwork.


 11. Rules and Eligibility


- All entries must conform to the theme of the Competition, and all entries must be original, have neither been openly shown nor publicized in any other media platforms, nor have been submitted for other competitions.

- A participant can submit maximum 3 entries. Only the latest 3 entries will be accepted if more than three entries have been received. 

- Participants are to abide by the Organizer's decision on all matters relating to the Competition. 

- Decisions of the judges are final. The participants are not allowed to object and the Competition does not have an appeal mechanism. 

- All staff of the Organizer, contractors, members of the judging panel and their immediate family members are not allowed to participate in this Competition. 

- An entry should not contain any material that is obscene, violent, pornographic, defamatory, indecent, disparaging or content that is controversial and inappropriate.


 12. Personal information collection statement


- The information will only be provided to the person handling the application for review, contacting and related use. If the participant needs to inquire or modify the personal information provided, please request by email.


13. Useful Websites

If you would like to submit hard copy submission, please click here for the Grate Art@Tsui Ping River competition enrollment form and submit to the site office of the Revitalization of the Tsui Ping River (Address: CRE's Site Office, No. 6, Wai Lok Street, Kwun Tong)

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