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Mobile App FAQs


Thank you for using our Global Alert mobile app so that you can provide important data on trash hot-spots along our waterways to stakeholders in your community.  The following FAQs will help you with any questions you may have about using the app in the most efficient way.  

Global Alert was developed through funding provided by the Global Partnership for Oceans (GPO), and under the strategic objectives of the Plastic Waste Management Program, as part of the GPO Pollution Component.



We have added a cool feature thanks to Adrift in Australia, which allows you to simulate where your trash will go if it reaches the ocean.  This is based on real ocean current flow data, so all you need to do is either click on a pin which is along the coastline, or, pretend that you are loading a new trash hot-spot pin, and place that somewhere along the coastline where you want to see the impacts from.  Then in the grey drop-down box which will appear when you click into the pin or place a new pin, you should click on the "Adrift: Ocean Waste Simulator" link.  This will then take you to a new screen which will show an animation of where your trash will go if it goes out to sea.  This is an incredible tool for stakeholders or educators to better understand the impacts of trash when it gets into the ocean in an area near them.   NOTE:  If for some reason the Ocean Waste Simulator does not work, it could be because your "pin" is not placed in the ocean far enough for the modeled simulator currents to "notice" the pin.  In this case, simply move the pin by dropping a new one a bit farther off the coastline, and into the ocean water (you need not upload complete data for this pin, as it is just for demonstrating the current-flow impacts on the spot).  Some bays and inlets may not be "noticed" by the simulator, so a pin will need to be placed slightly farther into the open sea from that point in order to create the simulation. 

Instructions to Clear Browser Cache

Fire Fox Browser

  1. Press the Control + Shift + Delete key at the same time.

  2. The Clear All History menu appears.

  3. Select the check boxes shown and "Everything" for the "Time Range to Clear."

  4. Click Clear Now.

Chrome Browser

  1. Press the Control + Shift + Delete key at the same time.

  2. The Clear Browsing Data menu appears.

  3. Select the check boxes shown and "beginning of time" for the time range.

  4. Click Clear Browsing Data

Global Alert is an international tool to help tackle the problem of plastic waste in our environment, and is something that all of us can use within our own local conditions, in order to be part of the solution.  The sum of all the parts will help to bring broad-based improvements on a global scale.  Global Alert will shape the way that communities play an integral role in bettering their environments; inspiring cooperation, collaboration and solutions. Together we can leave a legacy of healthy oceans, rivers and engaged communities.


Please sign up here if you would like to be on our mailing list for updates on the Global Alert platform as it is introduced to the public.   .   

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