Móvil App FAQs en Espanol

Muchas gracias por utilizar nuestra aplicación móvil Global Alert para proporcionar información importante a las partes interesadas sobre basura acumulada en nuestras calles. Para utilizar esta aplicación móvil de la manera más eficiente posible, por favor consulta la sección de preguntas y respuestas frecuentes.
La Plataforma de Alerta Global fue desarrollada gracias a los recursos proveidos por la Alianza Mundial para los Oceanos (GPO), y bajo los objetivos estrategicos del Programa de Manejo de Plasticos, como parte del Componente de Contaminacion Marina del GPO.
FAQ: VIEW TRASH SITE How do I filter the data that I see on the map? Is it only possible to see all the data at once?For now, you cannot filter search queries on the mobile app. If you need to perform detailed searches or analysis, load up the desktop application at www.globalalert.org. The mobile app allows users to easily view trash sites, and report trash sites that are seen in your daily activities, or when taking part in a study or clean-up. The desktop app lets you export maps, filter searches, or analyze data in case you want more information to be captured for reports, surveys or influencing other stakeholders.
How do I see the pictures of the trash at a previously recorded trash site?Tap a trash site icon (pin) to view more information including pictures. In settings, if you uncheck the box, you will not download photos when in the field (this is to save on download time/cost)
FAQ: ADD TRASH SITE Wherever I see trash, should I report this to Global Alert?No. We created Global Alert with the aim to improve our waterways and coastlines by focusing on trash hotspots. This information is most useful to community stakeholders if only large sections of trash (more than one meter/yard in length, for example, but not single items of trash). We want to know about sources of trash and prioritize waste which is “at risk” near watersheds. This way we can help to identify the source of the litter, while preventing more trash from heading downstream. The Global Alert platform is not meant for highlighting or understanding types or locations of single pieces of trash, but instead, for large sections of it which can justify different clean-up, catchment or ongoing prevention methods. Please do not report trash that is more than 100m (300ft) from water via Global Alert.
How do I Place a Pin for a Trash Site?Once you enter data on the Enter Trash Site button, there is a button on the top right named “Place Pin”. This will allow you to drag/drop a green pin onto the location where you saw the trash. It is important that you zoom into the map and put it in the most accurate location of where the trash was found on the map.
Can I upload later if I am not able to connect to the internet?Yes, you can click “Upload Later” in order to upload your trash sites once you are in internet or wifi range. If you have uploads which have not been submitted, you will be reminded to check pending uploads so that they can be sent to the platform.
Why do I need to enter my e-mail and phone number?We will not use your personal information for any kind of marketing, but it will allow the Global Alert team or steward groups in the region to contact you if any sit or photo verification is needed. For example, you post a trash site that includes hazardous waste but the picture was a little blurry, the local steward group group might need to email you to ask which kind of hazardous waste it was exactly for proper removal. If you include detailed comments of complicated trash sites that you locate, this will minimize the need for contact.
What is a Steward Region (or Steward Group)?A Steward Region is where a stakeholder group in the community (NGO, University, government, Rotary Club, Chamber of Commerce or other community group) is taking care of their watershed or coastline. There can be multiple Steward Groups within the same region. We rely on the steward groups to help verify images and locations of sites which you post, which is why we need to know how to reach you. Don’t worry, this information will only be shared with Steward Groups who care about making improvements for their watersheds and coastlines (those who are on the same caring “team” that you are on!).
How will my personal data be used?Personal data will not be used, sold or given to any groups other than the steward group in the watershed or coastal area that you are reporting in. In order to be a verified Steward Group on the Global Alert platform, they have agreed not to use this data with any other third parties.
Do I need to add all 3 images?No. However, more images will help identify your location, and help to show the waste that is in the water or the shoreline.
If the trash I report is along the waterline on a shore, does this qualify as “On Land” or “In the Water”?This would be “On Land.” We realize that high water, or high tides might wash this away, but for the time that you see it, it is on land, and this is information which can help the stewards in your area. On land = If more than 90% of the material rests on solid ground. In the water = If more than 90% of the material is floating on top of the water or is partially submerged on land, for example in a wetland pond. Underwater = If 80% of the material is submerged in water.
How many pieces of trash qualify as a reportable trash site?We are not looking for individual pieces of trash, instead we must find the sources and waste hot-spots. Generally, an area that is at least 1 meter long (1 yard), and with “tens” of pieces qualifies as a trash site. The bigger the trash sites, the more we need Global Alert reporting!
I’m not sure about the weight, how do I estimate this without picking it all up?We know that you cannot perfectly measure the weight; we just need a rough guess so we know the right level of cleanup that might be needed. Just try your best to guess based on the number of items or size of the “mess.” Here are a few quick references for weight: Item Average Weight 100 plastic bags 2000g (1lb) 1 plastic bottle 40g (1.4oz) 200ml glass bottle 150g (5.4oz) Metal drink can 35g (1.2oz) White foam cooler 90g (3.7oz) So, if you found 30 bags, 4 bottles, 5 drink cans, and a foam cooler, you could estimate that the site weighs around 2lbs. (For a quick reference to estimate sizes/weights, you can click here (hyperlink to this site: http://www.pyr.fi/eng/forms/packaging-data-declaration-form/packaging-weight-units.html)
What qualifies as an impacted shoreline?At least 3 pieces of trash per square meter counts as a littered shoreline. Why a square meter? This is roughly the space a person needs at the beach, or to picnic along a river. If you cannot lay your blanket down due to garbage, then we have a problem.
How big is a “bucket” of trash?You know those big white or sometimes orange buckets maintenance or construction workers use? Often they are called “painters buckets”. Those hold 5 gallons, or 20 liters, so imagine that you are picking up the trash and putting it in one of those.
Do I have to enter all geographic information (my country doesn’t have states)?There is no need to enter all information, but the more you can do, the better for filtering data in the future.
How can I view the trash site after I’ve submitted the data?We need to verify the photo and location before we make it “live.” – We hope you understand. We will aim to have these sites live within 24 hours of you reporting them. Then: 1) Go to the main menu and select “View Trash Site”. 2) In the top right corner select “View List” 3) Your data point will be at the top of the list.
CLEAN-UP SITES How can I show that a clean-up occured at the site which was posted as a trash hot-spot?If you have posted a pin for a trash hotspot, you can login to your own "pins" and then modify them when a clean-up occurs. Simply click on the "My Sites" icon on the top banner, and enter your email. Once your email is verified, you need to click the blue icon/square on the left panel, called "My Sites." This will bring up your pin that you have dropped (site) will be able to be modified (they will be Blue in color). Go to the pin where you want to show Clean-up data, and click "Enter Cleanup Site Details." This will then allow you to add clean-up information, and load up to 5 new photos of the site that has been cleaned. Once you save this, the pin will become Green on the main map. If you did NOT load the original pins for the trash site, but you are involved with a clean-up in that location, you can create a new Trash Site pin before your cleanup, with photos of the trash impacted area. You can then re-load the clean-up info to that pin once your clean-up has been completed and that pin has become live on the site.
FAQ: GENERAL APP FAQ How will the data I enter help clean up the trash?Right now, we don’t know where trash comes from. Sometimes several organizations cleanup the same beach or install waste catchments in the wrong rivers. If we know where the waste is, we can organize more effective cleanups and better drainage catchment systems. Individuals and organizations can also use this information to demonstrate the seriousness of water-borne litter to local or regional governments and the business community.
What happens to the data I enter? (not sure what this question means)Once entered a trash site is either approved or we will ask you to double check some information before uploading. Once approved, a site will appear on the Global Alert map, there users can download this information onto a google earth (KML) or excel file. Users cannot download personal information such as your name, phone number, or email, we keep this information in case we need to contact you, it is not shared with advertisers.
How is my contribution going to help?Every trash site added to the map brings us one step closer to ending ocean plastic pollution. When you flag a trash site, your information and data points become very important for other stakeholders in the community to stop this flow of trash. Academic researchers, cleanup and conservation organizations, businesses, schools, and governments of all sizes will be able to use this information to help stop the flow of waste in our seas.
What is Global Alert?Global Alert is an innovative online tool that will increase interaction and connectivity to the issues of plastic in our waters by allowing users to report, rate and map plastic pollution levels in their watershed and coastlines. By having data of trash hot-spot locations, stakeholders around the world will be able to will broaden awareness, aggregate information flow, and spur solutions to reduce plastic pollution in our waters. Global Alertaccomplishes this by enabling community participation and active stewardship, bringing knowledge and data to the solutions needed for the long term prevention of debris creation and accumulation.
Why do we need a Global Alert?Some estimates by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) suggest that municipal solid waste may double in size by 2025. As populations grow, and consumption increases, the world’s waste management and recycling infrastructure has not been able to keep up with the increase in waste, leading to increased impacts on our environment and our waters. Global Alert is an international tool to help tackle the problem of plastic waste in our environment, and is something that all of us can use within our own local conditions, in order to be part of the solution. The sum of all the parts will help to bring broad-based improvements in trash impacts on a global scale. Global Alert will shape the way that communities play an integral role in bettering their environments; inspiring cooperation, collaboration and solutions. Together, by using Global Alert, we can leave a legacy of healthy oceans, rivers and engaged communities.
Global Alert es una herramienta internacional que ayuda a abordar el problema de los residuos plásticos en el el medio ambiente, convirtiéndose en algo que todos nosotros podemos usar desde nuestra localidad para convertirnos en parte de la solución. La suma de todas las partes aportará grandes mejoras a escala global. Global Alert conformará la manera en que las comunidades desempeñan su papel en la mejora del medio ambiente, promoviendo e inspirando estas cooperaciones y soluciones. Juntos podemos dejar un legado de océanos, ríos saludables y sociedades comprometidas. Por favor, regístrate aquí si quieres recibir en tu correo las últimas noticias sobre Global Alert y su presentación pública.